We present a recent success story about our positive cooperation with the ETH Zurich. At the Institute of Electromagnetic Fields (IEF) at ETH Zurich, Prof. Dr. Juerg Leuthold and PhD student Laurenz Kulmer were able to establish new benchmarks for plasmonic modulators using an M8199A arbitrary signal generator and a 110 GHz UXR real-time oscilloscope from Keysight Technologies®, a major supplier of Computer Controls. Thanks to the industry leading sample rates of the arbitrary generator and oscilloscope, both scientists have demonstrated that plasmonic modulators can achieve symbol rates of up to 220 GS/s and data rates of up to 408 Gbits/s. These fundamental research results provide important insights for the development of future fibre-optic transmission channels that can transmit increasing data volumes.
Plasmonics is currently a key technology for sending huge amounts of data through global fibre optic networks. It builds a nanoscopic bridge between the electronic and optical worlds. The convergence of these two worlds is of great interest to the modern information society to bridge global connections as well as short, medium, and long distances such as interconnects between and within data centers. In modern communications technology, the aim is to unite the worlds of integrated electronic and photonic circuits to further increase bandwidths. Prof. Dr. Leuthold's research group is making use of this physical effect and establishing plasmonics as a future technology in the field of electro-optical modulators for communication technology via the spin-off Polariton Technologies AG in Zurich.